Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ask yourself for health insurance - Do I want to keep my doctor?

When you choose for an individual health insurance policy, it pays to do your homework. So you should ask yourself some key question.

Do I want to keep my doctor?
If you have a particular physician you like, that might dictate whether an HMO or a PPO is right for you. In an HMO, you must use the plan's network of doctors in order to receive coverage. A PPO plan will let you visit any doctor.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

For save on home insurance # Consider actual cash value vs. replacement cost

Actual cash value coverage reimburses you for the value of your property at the time of damage or loss, minus your deductible. If you buy this option, you need to account for depreciation of your property, which may result in a lower claim payment than you expect.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

For save on home insurance # Maintain a good credit history

Many insurers now check your credit and can adjust your price based on your level of "risk" as judged by your credit history, where allowed by state law. Make sure your credit is in good shape when you apply for policies.

For save on home insurance # Look for private insurance first

If you live in a high-risk area — one that is especially vulnerable to coastal storms, wildfires or crime — and think you'll be forced to buy home coverage from your state's high-risk insurance pool, check first with an independent insurance agent. You may find that you can still buy insurance at a lower price in the private insurance market than from your state's insurer of last resort.

For save on home insurance # Check your coverage annually

You want your policy to reflect the value of your home and belongings. If you review your policy every year, you will be able to make the necessary adjustments. If, for example, you just sold a valuable painting, you won't need the same amount of personal property coverage. But if you've added a garage, you'll need to increase your dwelling coverage.

For save on home insurance # Stay with an insurer

If you've kept your coverage with a company for several years, you may receive special consideration. Several insurers will reduce their premiums by 5 percent after you stay with them for three to five years; and some companies will discount you as much as 10 percent after six years.

For save on home insurance # Look for group coverage

Large employers and business associations often work out deals with an insurance company, which includes a discount for employees and members.

For save on home insurance # Look for senior discounts

Retired people stay at home more and spot fires sooner than working people. Older people also have more time for maintaining their homes. If you're at least 55 years old and retired, you could qualify for as much as a 10 percent discount. But it really depends on the insurer and some companies don't offer the discount, adds Barry.

For save on home insurance # Stop smoking

Smoking accidents account for almost 23,000 residential fires every year, according to III. Some insurers offer to reduce premiums if no one in the home smokes.

For save on home insurance # Improve security and safety

Items such as dead bolt locks, burglar alarms and smoke detectors can usually bring discounts of 5 percent each, depending on the company. Your insurance company may also offer a significant discount of 15 or 20 percent if you install a sophisticated home-security system. If you're thinking about buying such a system, check with your insurer to see which systems qualify for a discount.

For save on home insurance # not the land

While your home and its contents are at risk from fire, theft, windstorms and other perils, the ground your home sits on is not. Don't include the value of the land when deciding how much home insurance you need to buy in order to rebuild your house. Your agent can help you assess the right coverage level.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

For save on home insurance # Consider insurance

Consider insurance when buying a home
If you're looking at buying a home, think about the cost of it. A newer home's electrical, heating and plumbing systems and overall structure are likely to be in better condition than those of an older home. This can lead to lower premiums.

For save on home insurance # Buy from the same company

Buy your home and auto policies from the same company

Many companies will give a multiline discount if you buy both home insurance and auto coverage from them. It's one of the more significant discounts you can garner, says Michael Barry, spokesperon for the III.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

For save on home insurance # Raise your deductible

Raise your deductible

The deductible is the amount of money you have to pay toward a loss before your insurance kicks in. Typically, home insurance deductibles start at $250. The Insurance Information Institute (III) estimates that if you increase your deductible to $500, you can save up to 12 percent on your premiums. Increase it to $1,000 and save up to 24 percent. But make sure you can afford to pay the higher deductible out of pocket if something should happen.

For save on home insurance # Check around

Check around

Check with several different home insurance companies to get rate quotes. An independent insurance agent can provide rate quotes from multiple companies. Ask around: Do your friends and family like their home insurance company?

Before buying a home

Ask yourself these questions:
1) Do we prefer a rural or city setting?
2) What recreational facilities are important to us?3
) How far am I willing to be from work?
4) Is access to public transportation or school buses important?
5) What type of housing is our ideal - single family home, townhome, condominium, country home?
6) What type of rooms do we need? How many living areas, bedrooms and bathrooms?
7) What are our future needs? Is our family growing or will children be nearing adulthood? Do we foresee needing a home office or would we like to have space for a pool?
8) What is the difference between the average home price in my current town, and the average in my destination? What will the same dollar buy - more or less? What about cost of living other than housing? Factor in any difference in your salary or income that the move will bring.
9) What loan amount do we qualify for? What monthly payment is comfortable for us? Will we have any trouble qualifying?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Health Insurance Basics

There are three main types of managed care plans:
- Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO)
- Point-of-Service (POS)
- Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO)

All of these plans offer substantial health insurance benefits to members and their families If you’re fortunate enough to have a choice of plan, consider the advantages, and disadvantages, of each. Compare the cost of care, the difference in premiums, deductible amounts and your freedom to choose a doctor outside the plan. There are numerous other coverages to compare as well -- from prescription drugs to dental to alternative therapies. Be sure you understand the fine points of each.

A second type of health insurance is Fee-for-Service,which normally covers the same expenses as managed care. The difference is your doctor is paid for each visit,with the claim filed by either the patient or the medical provider. A big advantage-- unlike some managed care plans, Fee-for-Service allows the patient to visit the doctor of his, or her, choice.

For those of you who are unemployed or self-employed, an individual health insurance policy is always an option. Unfortunately rates for these policies are high and the coverage is usually less comprehensive than a managed care plan. The good news is that, in many cases, your insurance premium will be tax deductible. Of course, if you’re married, you can always try to catch a ride on your spouse’s group health insurance benefits plan.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Auto insurance - step 4:Bookmark next years renewal

Apply for cover from your existing insurer as a new customer and it’s likely you’ll be given a cheaper price. This is because car insurers like any company will happily profit from apathy if they can. It’s for this reason renewal notifications are sent as near to renewal as possible; as then you’re pressured for time and less likely to try and find a cheaper price.

To avoid being forced to decide quickly, diarise a warning six weeks before your renewal date, so there’s plenty of time to sort out a new provider. Alternatively use the free Tart Alert which sends a reminder text or email.

Auto insurance - step 3:Get hidden cashback and haggle

By checking cashback websites and special deals, these sites carry paid links from some retailers and financial services providers; in other words if you click through them and get a product they get paid. They then give you some of this cash which means you get the same product, but a cut of its revenue.
Yet be warned, until it's in your bank account, this cashback is never 100% guaranteed, and getting the right policy is always paramount. Therefore never simply choose based only on cashback, see it as a potential added bonus once you’ve picked the right cover.

The car insurance market is very competitive and companies are desparate to retain business. Therefore once you've got your overall cheapest price get on the phone and try to haggle. There's often massive price flexibility, but be fully armed with the screenscraper's cheapest quotes and any available cashback first.
The first port of call should be your existing insurer, after all if it can beat or even match the best quote it saves the hassle of switching policy. If that doesn't work and you're still in the mood, take it to a broker. For more haggling hints and tips read the full Haggle On The High Street guide.

Auto insurance - step 2:Combine comparison sites for the best search

Comparison sites zip your details to hosts of insurers' and brokers' websites, scraping their data off the screens to report back the cheapest. Yet as they don't all compare the same sites, to maximise the spread of quotes, you need to combine them, so we've analysed the order that gets you the max. quotes in the min. time

read more

go compare

Auto insurance - step 1:Lower your risk category

1. Ensure you're getting the correct cover
Insurance premiums depend on the insurer, the level of cover and how risky you're perceived to be. Therefore start by defining your cover and ensuring you’re as low a risk as possible.

2. Beware monthly payment plans
Beware 'pay monthly' options - usually the insurer actually just loans you the annual cost and then charges interest at hideous rates on top. So either pay in full, or if you can't afford it, use a credit card with a lower APR rate.

3. Tweaking your job description to save money
Insurers decide prices depending on historic risk assessments, and your occupation plays an important part in this.

Auto insurance - New or used car ,better?

Before purchasing a car, whether it be new or used, you should understand that sticker price, cost of repair and incidence of theft all factor into your premium amount. When seeking auto insurance, gather recommendations from friends and neighbors, contact the state insurance department about any company complaints and always solicit at least three price quote comparisons.

Many insurers offer discounts if your car has features that reduce risk of injury (such as air bags and anti-lock brakes) or theft (anti-theft locks and alarms). Low mileage, safe driver records and long time customer discounts can save you money, as can insuring with the same company that underwrites your home. Finally, you might consider dropping collision and comprehensive coverage on “Old Betsy”. Experts believe it’s darn foolish to insure a car worth less than ten times the amount paid to cover it.

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Auto insurance - The besics

1. Collision - While not mandatory, this reimburses damage to your car that results from an accident. Collision generally comes with a deductible, as much as $1,000, which you are required to pay up front. If the accident was not your fault (and of course it never is), your auto insurance company might reimburse you for the deductible amount.

2. Comprehensive - Reimburses for loss due to theft or damage caused by something other than an accident such as fire, earthquakes, falling objects or getting hit by very large animals such as deer, moose or confused rhinos. This coverage, seldom mandatory, usually comes with a small deductible - although cracked or shattered windshields are often fully compensated.

3. Bodily Injury- Covers you, or a family member in case of injury caused to a third party. Adequate liability insurance is essential given the high cost of going to court and, if you’re found liable, paying the ensuing damages. Most states require liability insurance and the experts strongly recommend buying more than the state required minimum - as much as $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident. Check into umbrella policies which expand coverage and increase compensation limits.

4. Medical Payments or Personal Injury Protection (PIP)- Pays the hospital and doctor bills and lost wages incurred by the driver, or passengers, resulting from an accident.

5. Property Damage Liability - Pays for the damage you’ve caused to someone else’s automobile or property. Does the same if someone was driving your car without permission.

6. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist - Compensates you or a family member if involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist or a hit-and-run driver. Underinsured reimburses you if the driver at fault has an amount of insurance insufficient to compensate you for a total loss.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Auto insurance

Auto insurance (Vehicle insurance ,car insurance, or motor insurance)is insurance for cars, trucks, motorcycle, or other vehicles.It's used for protection against losses incurred as a result of traffic accidents and against liability that could be incurred in an accident.

Auto insurance can cover some or all of items below:
1. The insured party
2. The insured vehicle
3. Third parties (car and people)
4. Third party, fire and theft
5. In some jurisdictions coverage for injuries to persons riding in the insured vehicle is available without regard to fault in the auto accident (No Fault Auto Insurance)

Different policies specify the circumstances under which each item is covered. For example, a vehicle can be insured against theft, fire damage, or accident damage independently.

PS. Before you decide to choose any insurance, you'd to compare information such 2-3 companies and please read all condition included.

Types of insurance

1. Auto insurance
2. Home insurance
3. Health
4. Accident, Sickness and Unemployment Insurance
5. Casualty
6. Life Insurance
7. Property
8. Liability
9. Credit
10. Insurance financing vehicles
11. Closed community self-insurance
12. Other types